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The Black Businesses Thread


You Niggas Starvin 😂
Site Owner
Sevetri Wilson started her first company at 22 and grew it to a multi-million dollar business . Now a few years later she just raised 2 million dollars and counting for her second company, a tech startup to do it again at scale. #selfmade #sevetriwilson “I was raised by a single mother who made less than $30,000 a year taking care a household of 5. I’m a first-generation college student and lost both of my parents by the age of 22. I started my first company with zero investment capital, no connections, and grew it to a million dollar company. I often talk about my upbringing because I think it’s important for people to understand my journey, especially those younger than me who come from a similar background. I want them to know if I did it with so few resources they can do it too and even better.”

I'm happy she did.

I often wonder what people hear when you say.." if I did it, you can too."

I have been on the side of saying it and people usually take it as a slight towards them.

I hope she reaches someone who can take her words a grow.


Dope site. Support our black entities!

Black Junction Ownership Change
Black Junction LLC was started by myself (Yusuf) and Anthony a couple years ago. We started with BlackMainStreet.net in 2015, BlackJunction.com in 2016 and BlackJunction.tv in 2017. Recently Anthony has decided to step down as co-owner of Black Junction LLC for personal reasons. This means I will be 100% owner and have 100% financial responsibility of Black Junction from this point forward.

What does this mean for the future of BlackJunction.tv
Keeping a video sharing site up is not an easy or cheap task. We have already upgraded to more powerful (and more expensive) servers twice since BlackJunction.tv's official launch in January of this year. We estimate that we will be able to keep the site on these servers for at least the next 4-6 months, however a sudden influx of uploads and/or bandwidth usage could easily change that timeframe.

Upgrading the servers again is not something that I am willing to do on my own. This wouldn't be a good decision for me financially or business wise. While BlackJunction.tv is continuing to grow in usership and viewership, our membership numbers are not growing much at all. Currently there are well over 7000 channels on the site but less than 30 Pro Members. This isn't a sustainable growth rate. If the numbers continue this way, BlackJunction.tv will inevitably die.

Black Junction is run by a VERY small group of people. We all believe in what we are building here and are very passionate about making these platforms into something great for the Black Community. This isn't an easy task, especially when larger entities are regularly throwing obstacles in our path and our resources are extremely limited. But through everything we have continued to do exactly what we said we would do - PROVIDE PLATFORMS WHERE THE BLACK COMMUNITY CAN CONNECT AND NOT BE CENSORED OR SHUT DOWN. We know the sites are not perfect but when there is a problem we fix it. When you contact us for help we assist quickly and professionally. If you have been on any of our sites regularly you have seen us consistently upgrade the sites features and functions. None of these things are easy with the resources we have but we have been doing them continuously.

We are at the very early stages of something that can be huge for the Black Community. We are also at the point where it could go in either direction - up or down. We ask that the community help support and keep BlackJunction.tv alive by upgrading to a Pro Member account or making a donation and becoming a BJ Support. At this rate BlackJunction.Tv will not survive another server upgrade unless it becomes self sustaining.

As always, thank you all for your support!

Yusuf A.


Black Junction LLC