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OJ Simpson dead at 76

I expect willful ignorance from white people but not us

It's almost as if y'all want him to be guilty because he's a coon

He can be an innocent coon. He was.

Niggas want this to be a man kills wife story so bad, it's clearly deeper than that


a phrase I never thought I'd see @Disanthrope ever type on here

I thought my vision was blurry and I didn't read that right for a sec

OJ's death got mofos in here reassessing their morals/values 🙁
Its different

Jonathan had the benefit of learning from the OJs and Tiger Woods of the world etc. Not learning from history makes his situation that much more egregious

word word..history huh.. cuz no black man ever met their downfall by fuckin with a white woman before OJ and Tiger? lol bet