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Black teen in KC is shot after going to the wrong house to pick up his sibling

This story has been on my mind since I heard about it. Especially the part where this boy had to go to 3 other homes before getting help. Cause honestly I don't know if I would automatically open up my home to someone that came knocking on my door claiming to be hurt.
Kinda crazy this white man last name is lynch and he saved the boy guess the whole entire neighborhood ain’t shit still burn it down

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Dope shit
Why these pilgrims so scary? I mean where is the threat to your life that warrants a death sentence by you?

So a stranger comes to your yard. Does that mean he has to die? Is it that serious?

If you actually see them approaching your yard, you already have the advantage. So why is the first reaction shoot to kiil? Even if you weren't try to kill, why such an aggressive act?

My main issue with gun owners is the extreme aggression that is associated with having one. Not every situation deserves a death sentence.

If a person is stealing something from you, does he need to die for it? The way you handle the situation could be life changing in a bad way.

I already know the John Wick niggas here are gonna kill this post but whatever.
Alot of it has to do with the fox newsafication of the GOP and their base.

The Republicans talking like America is the most unsafe country in the world, and that everyone is getting robbed, or murdered, or raped, and it can be you next.

This has mfers living in a ton of fear. So when a mfer pulls into their driveway, they shoot cause they so scared.

The amount of damage fox news has done to america since 2008 when Obama got elected cant be quantified
On topic, i saw this on the news when it happened and it pissed me off so much that I didnt even want to come into this thread.

This 80 year old man shot a 16 year old through his door, then stood over him and shot him again. And then the kid had to go door to door with 2 bullets in him until someone finally called 911.

Add to that that the old mfer wouldnt have even been charged if it wasnt for social media.

Shit got me mad. I really need to leave this trash ass country.

im just happy that the kid is alive and recovering.
Back to the topic that excuse to say he shot because he thought dude was trying to break into his home.. I call bullshit. How many people ring the fuckin doorbell before attempting to break in. FOH
I dont think its wrong that he thought he was in danger.

This mfers are living in perpetual fear fam. Like really. Mfers are scared of the air they breathe. They scared of vaccines. They scared of democrats. They scared of black folks. They scared someone gonna take their guns. They scared of everything. Fox news and GOP is to blame.

Now wether he was scared or not dont mean shit in this case. He could have been scared but he still overreacted like a mfer an im gonna need to see him die in jail regardless of if he was legit scared or not.