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Recent content by The Lonious Monk

  1. The Lonious Monk


    WTF? lol
  2. The Lonious Monk

    Worst Duo of Alltime?

    This dude at my job has a bumper sticker that says "Joe and the hoe have got to go."
  3. The Lonious Monk

    Chris Brown Meet & Greet Pic Causes Couple To Break Up

    The issue isn't that CB might smash your girl though that's not exactly impossible. The nigga made a whole song about that. Lol The real issue is that she values attention from another man so much that she's willing to spend hundreds of dollars just to be in his presence and didn't seem to...
  4. The Lonious Monk

    Chris Brown Meet & Greet Pic Causes Couple To Break Up

    lol Why a dude gotta be insecure because he doesn't want his chick taking couple pics with another dude? I swear I don't understand some of ya'll. I see why the divorce rate is so high. The confines of relationships basically don't mean anything. People think they should be able to be in...
  5. The Lonious Monk

    Is Terrence Howard The Real Life Tony Stark

    What? lol Debates are competitions, and there are winners and losers. NDT and Howard have opposing ideas. If they debate, someone is coming out as the loser. Bro, I've been to scientific conferences and seen people from the audience make presenters cry because they found mistakes in their...
  6. The Lonious Monk

    Is Terrence Howard The Real Life Tony Stark

    Conversations and debates are not the same. Any two people can have a conversation. Two people with two vastly different levels of understanding of a subject can't really have a debate. It would be a schooling. If you watched NDT's video, then you know Howard couldn't even take the basic...
  7. The Lonious Monk

    FEATURED Would You Pay A Stack To Meet Your Favorite Artist?

    Shit I would. I'm a 40+ dude that's married with kids. I don't have a ton of room in my life for dudes to begin with, and I'd rather not fill the limited slots that exist with dudes that's geeking out because they got to pay money to pretend fusion dance with Chris Brown. lol We just...
  8. The Lonious Monk

    Is Terrence Howard The Real Life Tony Stark

    Howard wanting a debate with NDT is low key insulting. That's like some random dude questioning an NBA players BBall knowledge and then insisting that they play a game to prove who's right. I mean there's nothing wrong in principle with someone issuing that challenge, but if it were a...
  9. The Lonious Monk

    COMMUNITY The Dorothy Jean Tillman Lounge

    It was just young people. The young people just happened to be there this time. Like I said, it's usually a crowd of people 30s and up. The young people just invaded this time for some reason. Even then, I'd say teens and early 20s probably only made up about 20% of the crowd from what I...
  10. The Lonious Monk

    COMMUNITY The Dorothy Jean Tillman Lounge

    lol In my mancave watching The Acolyte. The actual shooting occurred around midnight. I didn't hear the gun shots, but I heard the cop sirens, so I was even less surprised when I got up and saw the news.
  11. The Lonious Monk

    FEATURED Would You Pay A Stack To Meet Your Favorite Artist?

    lol @ cats in here acting like I'm the one that's off for thinking it's crazy that a dude would pay money to smile and cheese with another dude. Are ya'll being serous right now?
  12. The Lonious Monk

    COMMUNITY The Dorothy Jean Tillman Lounge

    I wish we could just Thanos snap all these types of dudes out of existence.
  13. The Lonious Monk

    FEATURED Would You Pay A Stack To Meet Your Favorite Artist?

    It ain't really about being serious. I just can't see myself being friends with a dude that's excited to go meet another man and do an anime pose. That's suspect behavior to me.
  14. The Lonious Monk

    Official Black Web Boxing Corner

    You have a problem with Inoue seeing himself as the best?
  15. The Lonious Monk

    COMMUNITY The Dorothy Jean Tillman Lounge

    At first I wanted to ask "Why are we (black people) like this?" But that's programming. American society would have you believe that black people are just violent, but the reality is that it's really only a small percentage of our community doing most of the violence. That's the same for...